Fake News
Don't miss out on this thought-provoking episode of "A Voice in the Marketplace" as Dr. Hamlet uncovers the truth that sets us free, from the lies of the world, out of 1 Corinthians. Click on the audio bar below and let the Word of God illuminate your path in the...
One Last Offer
This week's program is titled "One Last Offer." Dr. Hamlet dives into Revelation 22:17, where the invitation from God is extended: "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let the one who hears say, 'Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes...
Is That Right?
This week, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of Job! Don't miss A Voice in the Marketplace every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST on Bott Radio Network!
What Time is it?
Join us today for a powerful sermon titled 'What Time is it?' as Dr. Hamlet dives into Romans 13:11-14. Discover the timeless wisdom that urges us to wake up, embrace the present moment, and live in the light of God's grace. It's a timely reminder to align our...
Thanks, I’ll Get Back to You!
Today, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of Acts. Don't miss "A Voice in the Marketplace" every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST. on Bott Radio Network.
Some Good Things in Hell
This week, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of Luke! Don't miss A Voice in the Marketplace every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST on Bott Radio Network!
A Spiritual Checkup
This week, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of 1 Corinthians! Don't miss A Voice in the Marketplace every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST on Bott Radio Network!
Cancel the Funeral
Today, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of Acts. Don't miss A Voice in the Marketplace every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST on Bott Radio Network.
A Public Service Announcement
This week, Dr. Hamlet shares a message from the book of Isaiah! Don't miss "A Voice in the Marketplace" every Saturday morning at 8:00 CST on Bott Radio Network!