over 400 episodes

Ministry in the Marketplace


Volatility in the Marketplace

Volatility in the Marketplace

How can God remake a coward in to a person of courage? It is a supernatural work of the Lord. Richard Hamlet examines Hebrews 11:24-27 and the Lord's transformation of Moses from his cowardly exit strategy out of Egypt to a man worthy of being listed in God's Hall of...

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A Kingdom Businessman

A Kingdom Businessman

As you go about your day,  are you a living testimony of Jesus Christ, building God’s kingdom rather than your own? Should you be tempted to think you have have no influence, reject that idea! Tune in as Richard Hamlet explores the life a Joseph in...

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A Man of Valor: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

How would you feel if an angel of the Lord greeted you, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior"? (Judges 6:12). Most of us would probably think there was some mistake. As one of the least important members of his clan and community, imagine Gideon's...

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Rebuilding in the Marketplace

Rebuilding in the Marketplace

God is a God of restoration, revitalization, and a second chance! Today, as Rev. Richard Hamlet shares God’s Word, we will examine Nehemiah, a government official in ancient Persia. Nehemiah, like us, was burdened by the onslaught of the...

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