Elijah’s Challenge: Who are You Going to Serve?
Elijah was a prophet in Israel during a time of increasing wickedness; he faced strong opposition - a time like many Christians around the world face today. Elijah was very aware of the opposition and the rampant idolatry in the culture around...
Mobility, Capability, and Humility: Essentials in the Marketplace (#019)
Mobility, Capability, and Humility: Essentials in the Marketplace
What qualities impact effectiveness in the marketplace? The ancient patriarch, Abraham, provides a thought provoking example. He was called out of a pagan culture to embark on a journey of faith. Abraham became the father of nations. He impacted those...
Anna: Marketplace Ministry within the Church Walls
Is marketplace ministry within the church walls oxymoronic in concept? Marketplace ministry is our response to the Great Commission – a holistic approach to bringing Jesus Christ into our work lives. It is a matter of being authentic and growing in our walk...
Marketplace Ministry within the Church Walls (#012)
Business as Missions
What does the concept, business as missions, imply? Lydia, the ancient seller of purple mentioned in Acts, is a prime example. As a talented business owner and capitalist, she was intentional in using her business as a base of ministry. Lydia used commerce not as an...