At the crucifixion, two thieves were hung on crosses on either side of Jesus. Both had broken the law of Caesar and were being justly punished. One thief rejected Christ; one experienced God’s mercy. In our marketplaces, people are dying. Some reject Christ, some will receive His mercy.
What was it about the thief or those in our marketplaces who receive God’s mercy which makes all the difference in their eternal destiny? Tune in as Richard L. Hamlet answers that question with three observations from Luke 23:39.
Real Time in the Marketplace
Our Real Time spotlight shines on Dr. Rick Wood who serves with Shepherding the Next Generation as the regional manager for Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Rick has served churches across America and around the world for nearly 30 years.
Today, Rick’s focus is on the millions of American children who are growing up in under-resourced family situations putting them at high risk for long-term poverty, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and addiction. These families often get overlooked, but the truth is, they are our neighbors. Jesus told us in the book of Matthew to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Tune in to hear how Rick is equipping the church to live out this commandment by shepherding the next generation.
Real World Impact
Do you feel restricted? Tied down? Maybe you are telling yourself, “I don’t have what it takes to make a difference in someone’s life.” Or, “I have my own issues, how can I help others?”
Attorney David Peel, with The Peel Law Firm, talks about things that you can do in your everyday life that just might make you stand out for Christ. Tune in to learn how you might give hope to someone feels there is no any.