We often times feel trapped by our current circumstances. So much so that it is nearly impossible to see the positive outcome. Today, Richard shares from the book of Luke and challenges us to focus on the ultimate plan that God has for our lives. That is to trust Him in every situation.
Real Time in the Marketplace
Look around. It seems that the more time passes, the further away our country is drifting from the principles of which it was founded on. You may be familiar with the verse in Romans that says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Sometimes it’s easier for us to sit back and criticize the world around us instead of reaching out to make a difference. Our guest today started a nonprofit organization called, Time to Revive. Kyle Martin and his team work to strategically train and equip churches and even businesses on how to share the hope of Jesus in the marketplace. Not long ago, we had the chance to sit down with Kyle to hear more about Time to Revive. Click on the audio bar below to hear his story.