Ten Bridesmaids

Mar 5, 2016

You know, there are times when we feel like we have it all together. You think to yourself, “I don’t need anyone’s opinion.” Although, God has given us the ability to make decisions, sometimes the decisions that we face could be the difference between life and death. That was the case for the ten bridesmaids that Jesus spoke about in the book of Matthew. Today, Richard Hamlet digs deep into God’s word from Matthew 25:1-13

Real Time in the Marketplace


Eddy Efaw, The Institute for Faith and the Arts, Harding Academy Memphis

Isaiah 64:8 says, “And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.” Today, our spotlight shines on the founder and director of the Institute for Faith and the Arts at Harding Academy Memphis. Instead of relegating artistic expression to just the church community, Harding students are taught that they can impact the world at large with both their faith and their art. Eddy Efaw dropped by our Ministry in the Marketplace studio for a conversation with your host, Richard Hamlet.

Real World Impact 

Trent Williamson

Trent Williamson, President of Harding Academy Memphis

Throughout the ages, since the third century, Christians have played a significant role in the arts. Painting, music, poetry, even architecture. But there have also been periods in history where Christians seem to have taken a back seat and abandon the arts for “less worldly, more spiritual pursuits.” Today, we’re seeing a resurgence, some might say a renaissance of Christian influence in the arts. Trent Williamson is the president of Harding Academy in Memphis and he tells us how they are playing a role in this renaissance.