What is it that takes the Gospel from words that are heard by the ear to the heart in a life transforming process? Only the Holy Spirit of God can do this. He speaks through His Word and through the lives of believers and transforms quickens concepts in the hearts and minds of listeners. Hearing the Gospel is only hope for those without Jesus Christ.
Most people without Jesus Christ, are not rushing to fill the pews on Sunday. For many the concept of church or religion has little to do with a dynamic personal relationship with Jesus Christ. While they may not be in churches, they are in the marketplaces, and the marketplace is where we can engage with them in gospel conversations. Tune in as Richard L. Hamlet explores Acts 8 and a first century street preacher who engaged with those in the marketplaces of Samaria. Hearing the Gospel was the only way to hope for the Samaritans; it is the only hope for those without Christ in the marketplace today.
Real Time in the Marketplace
High in the Andes Mountains, just east of the snow-capped peaks of the Pichincha Volcano, Rev. Hector Sisalema pastors Iglesia Vida Nueva (New Life Church) in Quito, Ecuador. Hector and his church are making a major impact by reaching out in the slums and surrounding rural villages. They are reaching out to children, workers, and families in the open air marketplaces meeting needs, sharing love, food, and Jesus Christ.
Real World Impact
In 2011, MOF began ministering to the people of Ecuador through pastor training and youth discipleship. As Rev. Richard Hamlet preached and taught, he used an interpreter to translate his messages from English to Spanish. One translator was Ricardo David Espanza. As soon as David began translating, he immediately felt God working in his heart and came to realize his purpose. Tune in hear more of how God worked in his life and how it is affecting the marketplace in Quito.