Rebuilding in the Marketplace

Jul 12, 2014

God is a God of restoration, revitalization, and a second chance! Today, as Rev. Richard Hamlet shares God’s Word, we will examine Nehemiah, a government official in ancient Persia. Nehemiah, like us, was burdened by the onslaught of the wicked and anti-God strategies in his society. He wanted to be a light in his community. Deeply grieved by a report of the blight as well as the physical and spiritual decimation of Jerusalem, he responded to a God given vision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Richard explores Nehemiah’s Sorrow, his Strategy, and his Strength and shares relevant application for us today.


Our Real Time segment takes a look at how God is using men and women around the world who “step out of the box,” courageously stand on God’s Word, reflect God’s light, and apply their faith to their unique marketplace. Stepping out of the box” is just what God led Donna Gaines to do to help public education in Memphis elementary schools.  Today, Donna Gaines, wife of Bellevue Baptist Church Senior Pastor, Dr. Steve Gaines, is here to tell us about ARISE Memphis and how it is changing the lives of children in Memphis.